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Flashback Friday - Lions Canadians

Picture taken in the 1950's of the BMHL Lions Canadians - Memorial Arena. Many familiar names on this team...

Players - left to right

Top Row - Moe Hunter, Wayne Waite, Leonard Harvey?, Larry Mavety, Dave Valcamp, Ronnie Hull, Howard Skully, Pat Aselstine

Bottom Row - Joel Trudeau, Brian Valcamp, Larry Moxam, Dave Whitfield, Larry Westfall, Whitey Hull


Hunter, Waite and Harvey

Moe Hunter, Wayne Waite and Leonard Harvey

Mavety, Valcamp, and Hull

Larry Mavety, Dave Valcamp, and Ronnie Hull

Skully and Aselstine

Howard Skully, Pat Aselstine

Trudeau, Valcamp and Moxam

Joel Trudeau, Brian Valcamp, Larry Moxam

Whitfield, Westfield and Hull

Dave Whitfield, Larry Westfall, Whitey Hull

Unknown Lions Coach

Unknown Lions Coaches



Photograph provided by Wayne Waite. It would be appreciated if anyone can provide the names of the three coaches.

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Hello, my name is Jim Kammer and I am the administrator and editor of this site. Born and raised in Belleville, with a passion for local History, Politics and Music.


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